Following the popularity of the original omnibus OVA, this release offers 4 more stories but in animation only.
Teito Monogatari
Melty Lancer
Warau Hyouteki
Amefuri Kozou
Sougen no Shoujo Laura
Sakura Taisen: Ouka Kenran
Tenamonya Voyagers
Inuki Kanako Zekkyou Collection: Gakkou ga Kowai!
Geobreeders 2: Mouryou Yuugekitai File-XX Ransen Toppa
Ningyo no Mori
Anmitsu Hime
Chuumon no Ooi Ryouriten (1991)
Kago Shintarou Anime Sakuhin Shuu
Gigi Goegoe Sunghyungsoo
Yami no Purple Eye