This is a re-telling of the first series. one episode is seen through the view of Momiji, the other is seen through the view of Kusunagi. (Source: ANN)
Compiler Festa
Honoo no Alpenrose
Bishoujo Yuugekitai Battle Skipper
Idol Fight Suchie-Pai 2
Chouon Senshi Borgman: Lovers Rain
Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte: Alice kara, Rin-kun e
Power Dolls
Kishin Douji Zenki Gaiden: Anki Kitan
Saber Marionette R
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040
Sakura Taisen Special
Saber Marionette J to X
Shin Dokonjou Gaeru
Chou Kousoku Gran Doll
Next Senki Ehrgeiz