The "Chibi Godzilla" project was launched to celebrate the 65th anniversary of Toho's Godzilla franchise. (Source: Crunchyroll)
Susume! Godzilland
Kaijuu Sekai Seifuku
Mengyou Dunhuang
Get Up! Get Live! #GeraGera Episode 0
Sonic: Night of the WereHog
Wu Dong Qian Kun 2nd Season
Ling Long: Incarnation Part 2
Godzilla 2: Kessen Kidou Zoushoku Toshi
Toutotsu ni Egypt Shin
KJ File
Dragon's Dogma
Xin Yu Gong Yu Shan
Godzilla: S.P
Kidou Senshi SD Gundam Mk-III
Kidou Senshi SD Gundam Mk-II