Princes who have been turned into Dwarfs seek the red shoes of a lady in order to break the spell, although it will not be easy. A parody with a twist.
Koe no Katachi
Ulibyeol Ilhowa Eollugso
Nijiiro☆Prism Girl
Naze Nani Dendrogram Episode 0
Cheonnyeon-yeowoo Yeowoobi
Avengers Confidential: Black Widow to Punisher
Larva 3rd Season
Taifuu no Noruda
Shining Star: Saeroun Luna-Queen-ui Tansaeng!
Xiyou Ji: Dasheng Guilai
Shi Yi Chang An: Mingyue Jishi You Er
Miao Xiansheng
23rd Japan Media Arts Festival Introduction
Lie Yang Tiandao I
Yumemi no E