Music video for the song Koe Dake ga by Hatena. The song was featured as the second ending for Dr. Stone: Stone Wars.
Theme Song Performance
Zentaiteki ni Sensation
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk Mini Drama
Itai no Itai no Tondeike
Hungry Days x Bump of Chicken: Kinen Satsuei
Chuukou Ikkan!! Kimetsu Gakuen Monogatari: Kimetsu no Utage Tokubetsu-hen
Mellow (Music)
Veil (July 2019)
Sayonara Gokko
Ple Ple Pleiades Special Edition
Dainouteki na Rendezvous
Mr. Fixer
Sword Art Online: Full Dive - Opening Eizou
Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai PV